Some bikes...

XL Strada Bianca prior to seven hours in the rain... frame by IF.

Root Beer Float for Eric - this was our first IF-built frame, if memory serves.

Moots-built Strada Bianca on Salisbury Plain, UK.

Cherokee Red SB at Taliesin West; IF frame for Chip.

Jeff's artfully muddied Mud Pig by Moots, fork by IF. This was our introduction to working with IF, the rest is history.


Aeneas said…
As the proud new owner of the Moots-built Strada Bianca I'd like to say that it's the sweetest bike I've ever owned in over 50 years of cycling. I honestly don't feel like riding any other when going for a decent ride (yes, I admit my carbon Colnago is faster over a shorter distance or up hills, but the SB is so comfortable and eats up the miles).

Thanks very much to Steve for all his time and attention getting it just right!
